Over the past few months, a participatory process has been developed in which young people have been invited to think about the city. This process has been carried out with Cecrea as a direct collaborator. During these months, we have worked on the co-design of the proposal and have carried out several workshops and actions that conclude in the collaborative construction of the gamboa cultural space.
This artistic piece is of an ephemeral nature and is conceived in terms of reversibility and easy dismantling. During this time this urban planning or tactical intervention will evaluate its functioning and its interactions with the citizens being an indicator that allows to correct or consolidate this intervention in time.
The proposal is located in the Plazuela Martín Ruiz de Gamboa, since in the previous diagnosis it was indicated as a strategic place for the young board. This square is located between Ramón Freire and Gamboa Streets. Gamboa Square is a recently built public space and with this intervention we intend to implement and enhance the public space already existing in the place. The specific place for intervention is located in the area of the sandbox as we consider it a central space and we can enhance and resignify from this intervention. In the sandbox there is a concrete slide and we propose the incorporation of this piece to the installation itself as part of the work, dialoguing in this way with the pre-existences and being respectful with what already exists.
The piece is composed of natural elements that are part of the architectural language so characteristic of the island. We started using technology and popular knowledge in wood construction. We proposed a re-reading to adapt to the context and incorporate new contemporary languages. This installation is conceived as a sculptural piece that generates interactive and relational dynamics. This installation is conceived as an inhabitable piece of sculpture that generates interactive and relational dynamics, making it possible to articulate cultural activities and artistic expression for the young people of Castro.
The installation is based on the existing architecture, dialoguing with the elements present on the ground. The main element is a piece that works as a bridge/viewpoint supported by the slide. This element divides the piece in two, on one hand, at a level of one meter is a platform that can be at times a stage by another level at a level of half a meter we have another platform that is the place for development of activities and workshops.