Later on, memorial plaques were produced to be placed in areas of ¨riesgo¨ where these situations occurred. This is the compilation of stories that were collected during the process.
Story 1 ¨La The first time I was harassed was when I was 12 years old on Millantuy hill, where a guy chased me through the streets of Castro, and where I had to go into a supermarket to perderlo¨
Story 2 I was harassed at night as I walked from the diamond tip to Tenten. I was 17 years old. A drunk man came trotting by, I was listening to music with headphones and I noticed when I was quite close. He tried to grab me and I walked away. Luckily my father was walking a few meters behind, when he shouted at him to get away the man became aggressive, but then he left.
Countless times I have been shouted at in the street; at the stop outside my house it is customary for them to honk or yell at me, sometimes they have stopped cars and offered me a ride and insisted when I tell them I prefer to go by bus.
Story 3 Anonymous story of harassment in Castro: the first time I suffered harassment I was 9 years old, I went out alone to buy the Beckna at that time on behalf of my grandmother and I passed outside a place where they make keys for the hotel alerce, a man standing at the door there told me "what nice legs" with a morbid tone and looked at me completely. From that day on I never wore a dress alone on the street again. That was the first time, after which I think there are countless times that older men have harassed me during my childhood and adolescence, alluding to my body with a sexual sense.
Story 4 When I was 14 or 15 years old, around 2012, going up the white street towards the Liceo Galvarino's whereabouts, I crossed glances with a man who was in his 50's. I didn't take any notice of him and kept walking, I was super loaded because I had left physics and had art classes, so I was walking with two bags and a bag with materials. When I crossed Esmeralda Street the man had stood next to me very close, he had followed me and he didn't stop looking at me and approaching. I was very scared so I accelerated the pace, I began to cry, I did not know what to do. I left him behind me and I could feel my skirt tugging at me as I tried to walk faster and lose him. I remember that all I could think about was going into a bathroom at the Lyceum, where I had a panic attack. It was winter, so it was very dark and it took me a long time to get back out on the street.
I didn't know what to do, who to tell, how to react in the moment. I was ashamed and afraid. I can't remember a time in high school or any other school when they talked to us about bullying.
In Castro it is very common to be harassed, to be shouted at, to have your horn honked, to be silenced. Especially when there are so many trucks passing by, they honk those tremendous horns. Going out to take a bus on the road is a moment when you know you are going to have to eat at least a couple of horns. Especially when you're a schoolboy.
Story 5 The first time I was harassed, I was 7 years old and I was in the Talcahuano supermarket with my mom. I was at it when a guy of 40 or more came up to me and hugged me from the waist, I remember he said: "How much does your hand weigh? I didn't know how to react and he left. Before that I had already pinked his hand with my ass.
Story 6 I was 12 years old when I learned what street harassment is, I was on my way to zumba classes with a neighbor my age, in a truck from her work, she yelled at us, whistled at us, threw kisses at us, and she touched me, if that was also the first time that a total stranger touched me in the street without consent, all on the Gamboa slope very close to where I live; I have never forgotten her face.
Story 7 When I was studying at the police station, three blocks away was my parents' business. It was daytime and I was going to lunch. I was on Thompson Street, when I looked away and ran to avoid a man in a drunken state. Still, as I passed, the man managed to catch up with me and squeeze my ass really hard. With much fright I turned to face him or say something to him but I was speechless because the man, besides being an old man, was unzipping his trousers, and he pulled out his penis and whipped it in front of me laughing. I was 15 years old. I just managed to run out and cry.